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Всі переклади - svaroga

Мова оригіналу
Мова, якою перекладати

Результати 1 - 2 з 2
Мова оригіналу
Англійська ınnovation diffusion becomes a cerative process-...
ınnovation diffusion becomes a creative process- in which one important innovation sets the stage for a whole series of subsequent innovations- and not the passive, adaptive process often assumed in much diffusion research.
typo corrected:
cerative---> creative

Завершені переклади
Турецька yenilik yayılımı
Мова оригіналу
Англійська translation!
In case of detain payments on fault of the buyer, on demand of the supplier the buyer should pay 0.01 % of a penny per every day of delay, but the total sum should not exceed no more than 20.000 доллоров from the sum of the contract, пени is removed сорозмерно delays of an advance payment according to the schedule of payment

Завершені переклади
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